Latest News
Join the Diner Anniversary 2024 - November 9th
Latest Job Offer
3 vacancies for PhD candidates in the EU funded MENTOR and HubMOL ITN projects

Alumni Directory
All the members of the association who decided to subscribe are displayed in this directory. You will have the possibility to discover their profile and to contact them.

Job / Internship offers
Under the Job menu you will find a list of all our current Job / Internship offers. They are provided directly by recruiter or by Alumni.

Mentorship program
You would like to escort a recent graduate or a student in his/her early career path or be escorted ? Subscribe to our Mentorship Program.

Alumni contact form
On each Alumni Profile you will find a contact form. It will allow you to contact him/her directly from our Website.

Quarterly Newsletter
Every three months you will receive a Newsletter. It contains news about the AAE and the ESBS, but also an Alumni Interview and recent Job and Internship Offers.

Alumni Day
Every two years the Alumni Association of the ESBS organize an event called the Alumni Day. Enjoy a wonderful day with professional presentations and workshops.