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The actions of the association

The AAE organizes actions to develop the Alumni Network. They are complementary to projects directly helping people.

The Great Alumni General Assembly

Each year, the AAE members meet up to strenghten our mutual friendship. We share the latest news, discuss the future of the association and enjoy some time together. This is actually the core life of the AAE!

The Alumni Day

Every 2 years, the AAE organizes a full-day networking event which gather all alumni. The talks and workshops are presented by alumni. The event usually ends with a stammtisch and a Poly party.

The Stammtisch(e)

A Stammtisch gathers alumni of a given area around a meal or a beer. These events are coordinated by the AAE but organized by the local alumni themselves.

Actions on hold

The Alumni Shop

The association sells back the legacy BS hoodie as well as other BS goodies.

Shared membership is a media dedicated to the biotech industry. Through the AAE, people interested in accessing the premium content can benefit from a membership taken by the association, in exchange for an annual fee. Indeed, this is cheaper than an individual membership.