Subscribe to the AAE!

Subscriptions 2023-2024

Subscriptions for memberships of the Association are closed until 1st of September 2024.

ChemBioTech alumni register to both the AAE and the AICS at once.

ESBS students do not need to subscribe to the AAE. To benefit from the AAE services, they just need to register on this website.

Why subscribe?

The main goal of subscription and donations is to support the association’s activities:

  • Operative and structural expenses.
  • Grants and emergency assistances to the students and alumni.
  • Discounts to the events and services.

The association drives the whole Alumni Network and not only its members. Yet, by subscribing, you can:

  • have priority in the AAE’s activities and services;
  • have full-access to the website and its alumni directory;
  • and participate in the AAE’s decisions.

How much?

There are 3 options to subscribe depending of you status:

  • 0€ for newly-graduated BT or CBT engineers (promo 2023).
  • 18.50€ for Biotech alumni and current and former ESBS workers;
  • 19.00€ for graduated CBT engineers (both AAE and AICS);

In more, we greatly ask you to donate whatever amount fits for you (10€ in average).

This is an annual subscription. 

To have a valide subscription, you have to register on this website.

Thank you very much!

If you have any problem, please contact us: