Mutualizing membership subscriptions to
Campaign is closed.
The AAE offers to mutualize membership subscriptions to the biotech media at 120€/year. The membership gives access to its premium content, such as industry reports and expert advice. Without the AAE, an individual subscription would cost 216€/year. If interested, you have to join this service before end of July 2022 through this crowdfunding-like campaign.
What is the membership? is an online media for biotech industry in Europe and covers a broad range of topics, from technical to business aspects. The media has several formats that can be of interest:
- news, trends, interviews… (e.g. “The Top 10 Insect-Powered Biotech Companies”);
- comparative articles;
- exhaustive reports on trending topics (e.g. COVID, CRIPSR, CAR-T…);
- expert’s advice (e.g. “What Makes a Biotech Executive Stand Out?”);
- startup database and company advertises.
The general content is freely accessible, but the thematic reports, expert’s advice and archived posts require premium access.
To access to the premium content, one must join the Membership. Without mutualization by the AAE, a membership costs 216€/year/person (all tax in France).
Yet, organizations such as the AAE can also subscribe to give acess to their members and largely reduce this price per person. After a survey in 2021, the AAE estimated that it could launch this service at a price of 120€/year/person (44% discount) if enough people join it.

A crowdfunding-like campaign to lauch the mutualization
Each AAE member can get a premium access by paying 120€ all tax for a full year. If you want to join, subscribe before end of July 2022.
As this service must be neutral for the AAE, at least 9 persons have to join the service so the Association can lauch it. Therefore, they join through a crowdfunding-like campaign. If not enough persons join the service, participants will be automatically refunded.
The AAE will subscribe to the membership and give the premium access to the participants in August at the latest.
The membership subscription will run for 1 year starting in August.
For any questions, contact us on Facebook or by email at