The Alumni Stammtisch
A Stammtisch enables the local Alumni to gather for the time of a beer or a meal in a restaurant or outdoor. They are informal and do not require much organization. To this goal, the AAE federates and supports the initiatives, in particular for the communication. On this page, you will find the incoming and past events.
Please keep updated your user profile to help the organizers ( and contact us to show your interest!
Last update: 10-NOV-2022
Incoming events
If you want to organize a stammtisch, help an organizer and show you interest, use this form:
Events in preparation: @BORDEAUX, @LILLE, @BASEL.
The above organizers are looking for participants in order to set a date. Please contact us!

Past events
- Place: hotel de goudfazant aambeeldstraat 10 H 1021 kb amsterdam (Noord)
- Start: 18:00
- Contact: Ieva Česonytė
- Summary:
Hello from The Netherlands! Former BS, we are now scattered all over The Netherlands and assembled in Amsterdam. Our promotions span almost 10 years (2013-2022). We had lots of fun remembering our school days and sharing our current experiences as we all have very different professional paths. We are very keen on maintaining this (small) network!
- Place: Pub Le Black Stone (10 Bd Gustave Ganay, 13009 Marseille)
- Start: 19:00
- Contact: Baptiste Kergavarat
- Summary:
- Place: Mama Bubbele (2 Quai des Bateliers, 67000 Strasbourg)
- Start: 13:15
- Contact: AAE (Michaël PIERRELÉE)
- Summary:
We were about 20 members, from promotions 2015 to 2021 at this stammtisch of the AAE General Assembly! The restaurant was pretty nice. Then, we went to the guided tour and to the Poly in the evening.
- Place: Ninkasi Guillotiere (2 Pl. Antonin Jutard, 69003 Lyon)
- Start: 19:00
- Contact: Flora CARISEY
- Summary:
We did the stammtisch in a bar in Lyon and we were 7 from different promo. There were only one person from very former promotion therefore it was nice to discuss things that haven’t changed at the ESBS. We had a very pleasant moment all together and we would be very cool to meet other people in Lyon!
- Place: Englischer Garten, München
- Start: 18:00
- Contact: Olivier LAPRÉVOTE
- Summary:
- Place: La Lanterne (5 Rue de la Lanterne, 67000 Strasbourg)
- Start: 20:00
- Contact: Michaël PIERRELÉE
- Summary:
We were a small group of 5 people (promo 2016-2017-2019). 2 others registered but were not able to join us in time. We already knew each other but we didn’t meet up for 4 years, so we could share the latest news. Especially, one had a child! Congratz! We hoped to see the others of Strasbourg at the General Assembly. Here a picture of the group:
- Place: Coccodrillo
- Start: 19:00
- Contact: Vinciane FLÜHLER
- Summary:
Keep updated about events of the Basel Alumni:
We didn’t go through our archives to populate this section yet, but many stammtische were organized by the past 🙂