Tri-national public engineering school specialized in Biotechnology

The Ăcole SupĂ©rieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg (ESBS) was founded in 1982 by Professor Pierre Chambon and Professor Jean-Pierre Ebel. It became tri-national in 1988 at the instigation of Professor Werner Arber (University of Basel) and Professor Pierre Chambon.
Professor Christoph Beck and Professor Ernst Wagner of the University of Freiburg and Professor Werner Stahl of the University of Karlsruhealso played a decisive role in its establishment. The efforts of Professor Jean-François LefÚvre, then Director of ESBS, were also crucial; the project was strongly supported by Professor Gilbert Laustriat, then President of the Louis Pasteur University (ULP) of Strasbourg.
ESBS is both an engineering school within the University of Strasbourg and a genuine European school, initially bringing together the four universities of Basel, Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Strasbourg. Since the agreement between these four universities was signed (November 1988), recruitment has been tri-national (German, French and Swiss) and qualifications are recognised in the three countries. ESBS also awards the DiplĂŽme dâIngĂ©nieur in Biotechnology (equivalent to a masterâs degree), accredited in France by the Commission des Titres dâIngĂ©nieur.

The Ăcole SupĂ©rieure de Biotechnologie de Strasbourg (ESBS) runs two engineering degrees and one masterâs degrees with three possible programmes:
Engineering degree in Biotechnology
Engineering degree in Chemistry-Biotechnology "ChemBiotech"
Master in Biotechnology
Biotech Engineer
Three-year-lasting program focused on Biotechnology. Most of the courses are held in Strasbourg, but some theory courses, practicals and projects take place in Basel and Freiburg.
Chembiotech Engineer
Three-year-lasting program focused on Chemistry and Biotechnology.
The course relies on the expertise of two engineering schools within the University of Strasbourg.
Master in Biotechnology
Master with three possible programmes among : Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Synthethic Biotechnology and High-throughput technology.